wob and GWA: United for Tolerance, Diversity, and Peaceful Coexistence.
Against Hate and for Democracy: wob is committed to the #MiteinanderFürDemokratie campaign.
Democracy, Solidarity, and Tolerance: These are the values the entire wob team wholeheartedly stands for. This is why it is so important to us to take a stand against discrimination. How do we do this?
As a member of the GWA (German Association of Leading Agencies), we support the #MiteinanderFürDemokratie (#TogetherForDemocracy) campaign—together with numerous media houses, publishers, associations, and outdoor advertisers. This initiative was launched to unite the German agency industry in a clear stance against hate, incitement, and anti-democratic attitudes, and to advocate for democracy, solidarity, and diversity.
Jens Merkel, Co-CEO at wob, also makes a strong statement: “At wob, we are firmly committed to tolerance. We embrace diversity within our agency and are proud to employ colleagues from many nations and various backgrounds. Today, more than ever, it is crucial to actively promote peace, tolerance, and democracy. At wob, we pursue this path with determination. That’s why we support the GWA and stand united against any form of discrimination.”
Learn more about the #MiteinanderFürDemokratie initiative: Demokratie - GWA – Deutschlands führende Agenturen