
The first virtual BBN Academy. B2B without borders.

BBN is a global B2B agency network that brings together and connects over 1,100 communications experts. To uphold this spirit, the BBN Academy was created - it facilitates the annual exchange among international experts.


BBN Academy goes virtual.

Last year, the BBN Academy met in an 18th century castle; this year, too - but completely virtually, from April 14 to 23. As a founding member and co-owner of BBN The world's B2B Agency, we had the privilege of supporting the agency network in implementing the virtual event.


For an international exchange - our tasks at a glance:

  • Develop a digital meeting place for learning and working together
  • Make attendees feel like they are there
  • Create an agenda that enables international participation across three time zones


The first virtual meeting of international B2B marketers was a complete success - our account manager Moritz was there live:  

"I particularly liked the fact that every participant in the Academy was able to gain a realistic insight into international collaboration. Not least because of Corona and the fact that each team had to coordinate and collaborate in a distributed manner within the time zones. The situation was thus much closer to the reality of a real & global customer project than might have been the case in the regular Academy so far."


That was the BBN Academy 2021:

  • A stage for every time zone and target group
  • Live chats and networking lounge
  • 8 live stream video sessions and presentations
  • 5 webinars
  • 50 visitors


Reach more B2B customers in 2021 and start your virtual event now – write us at info@wob.ag!