
Lead generation and content marketing for itmX. How CRM can be fun for SMEs.

When medium-sized companies have to deal with oversized CRM solutions for corporations or unreliable in-house developments, it usually has little to do with fun. The modular CRM suite of our customer itmX - itself a medium-sized software and consulting company - on the other hand lies in the golden mean between "too big" and "too small".

Based on this insight, we developed a clear and differentiating positioning with our customer: from now on, itmX stands for the fact that CRM in medium-sized businesses can also be fun thanks to tailor-made solutions.

We were able to help itmX make this a tangible part of its communication - with a good dose of humor and differentiating content marketing measures for lead generation. 



Are you interested in content marketing and lead generation?

Then write us at info@wob.ag!